Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Tribute & The Six B's

President Gordon B. Hinckley, prophet of God and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, passed away this afternoon at the age of 97. I cannot say enough how much I love and respect this man. At an age when most are feeble and enjoying their retirement, he continued to travel the world over spreading the gospel and inspiring everyone he came in contact with. He became close friends with notable people like Larry King and held many interviews that were broadcast around the world, enabling him to clear up misconceptions regarding the church and to share our beliefs with all that would hear. The good he has done in his lifetime would fill volumes of books. My prayers are with his family at this time.

In honor of President Hinckley, I would like to share with you "The Six B's." It was a message directed to the youth, but I believe it has value to all of us.


BE GRATEFUL - Express appreciation to everyone who does us a favor or assists us in any way. Two little words - "thank you" - the mark of an educated man or woman.

BE SMART - The Lord wants us to train our minds and hands to become an influence for good "...that ye may be prepared in all things" (D&C 88:78-80).

BE CLEAN - We live in a world filled with filth and sleaze. We cannot afford to let it touch us. We should not be disrespectful of the body which the Lord has given us. Avoid evil talk, choose your friends carefully. You are a child of God.

BE TRUE - Let us be loyal to the Church under all circumstances. The authorities of this Church will lead us in paths of happiness.

BE HUMBLE - The meek and the humble are those who are teachable. Be willing to listen to the whisperings of the still, small voice.

BE PRAYERFUL - Look to the Lord for understanding and guidance, and walk according to His precepts and commandments. The miracle of it all is that He hears, He responds, He answers.


To learn more about President Hinckley, the LDS church or to read the full text of the message surrounding The Six B's, visit

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