Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Do You Live?

While I was sick a couple of weeks ago, I watched a lot of movies because I really wasn't up to anything else. In one of the movies, I heard a quote that has always struck me as comical, but I think it aptly describes how many of us tend to live our lives.

"I don't know where we're goin' but there's no sense bein' late."
~ Tom Selleck as Matthew Quigley in Quigley Downunder

Many of us live our lives with no greater purpose than to earn enough money to pay our bills. We get up in the morning, chase the almighty dollar all day long, collapse in front of our T.V. for several hours at the end of the day, go to bed, and then repeat the cycle all over again the next day. Very few of us live our lives on purpose. And so we readily accept whatever purpose is handed to us.

"Most men lead lives of quiet desparation and go to the grave with the song still in them."
~ Henry David Thoreau

Start living your life instead of just going through the motions. And, if you are going to live your life, make it a life worth living! Instead of accepting whatever it is that life gives you, decide what you will have and go get it!

What is it that brings you the most joy and fulfillment in your life?
Are you doing it?

What do you want to be remembered for?
Are you accomplishing it?

Celebrate 2008! is my effort to inspire people to take action in their lives by setting goals to achieve the things they really want to achieve in their lives and stick with those goals until it happens. If you haven't set a goal or a resolution this year, please do so now. Do not go to your grave with your song unsung. None of us know how long we have to live, to breathe and to achieve so start today!

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