Monday, January 7, 2008

I Don't Want To!

My wife and I spent some time talking this evening about the things we want to accomplish this year. One of the major obstacles we both face, and maybe you are facing it to, is that we don't necessarily want to do all the little things that will bring us the results we want. It reminded me of something Mike Litman, a mentor of mine, taught me on his Greatness Held Hostage cd. What he taught me is:

"Successful people do the things they don't want to do!"

You may be facing a difficult or perhaps just an unattractive task that is standing in the way of you and your success. It could be working out every day and eating healthier foods. It may be cutting out unnecessary expenses and saving more money. It may be cultivating a more forgiving attitude and being kind to those who are unkind to you. You know what it is that you don't want to do. The question you really need to ask yourself is: "Do I want the results more than I not wanting to do this task?"

Look at your reasons why you want to accomplish your goals and resolutions. (You did write them down, right?) Are your reasons big enough to carry you past the seeming unpleasantness of doing this task? Is achieving the results important enough to you to do what you don't want to do?

It isn't always motivation that we need - sometimes it is just momentum. Give yourself a 30-day challenge. Perform this "unpleasant" task consistently for 30 days and then evaluate yourself at the end of that period. Is it still as unpleasant as when you started or are you starting to enjoy yourself? I think you will find, more often than not, that the task is not nearly so difficult or unpleasant as what you thought it would be when you started and you will be doing it on a daily basis with ease and great satisfaction. And, if you keep doing that task and either step it up a little more for the next 30 days or add another essential goal-achieving task to your daily regiment, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals and your dreams!

(To find out how to get your own copy of Mike Litman's Greatness Held Hostage cd or a copy of his book Conversations With Millionaires, visit

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