Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Secret to Getting Ahead In Life

You probably know plenty of people who are habitual complainers. They often share with you the dismal state of their finances, their relationships, their job, their weight, their whatever. Maybe you have been guilty of this as well. I know I have. It is an easy trap to fall into, especially when you are bombarded by it every single day from friends, family and co-workers. You almost have to have something to complain about just so that you can fit in.

Well, today, I am going to share with you the secret to getting ahead in life. By following this little tip, you will set yourself ahead of all those miserable, unhappy complainers you are surrounded by. The best part about it is that it is so easy to do. So here it is:

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." ~Sally Berger

That's it! That is all you need to do to set yourself apart from the grumps, the whiners and the complainers. I bet you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

Most people are content to complain about the way their life is and all the different people who are to blame for it. It's easy. It's comfortable. It sures beats the alternative of doing something about it and try to be happy. Come one, now. That would take some effort. (Oh, no! I can't believe I just said the "e" word!)

Miserable people know what they want. It is the gap between what they want and what they actually have that is making them miserable! They know why they want it - they want to be happy. But they have contented themselves in their misery. After all, it's not that bad. Well, it's not that good, either!

If you want more money in your bank account, cut back on unnecessary expenses and start putting that money into savings. Or join The Millionaire Marathon! If you want better relationships, compliment someone or do something nice for them. If you want a better job, apply for one or further your education. If you want to lose weight, go for a 15 minute walk and dump your secret stash of chocolate in the garbage can on the way out. Get up and do it now! Watching The Biggest Loser tonight isn't going to cause YOU to lose any weight.

Don't worry about whether it is the best thing you can do to improve your situation. People who do that suffer "paralysis by analysis" and never end up doing anything. Just do something! Anything! And by doing something, by getting started, you immediately change your life for the better. You will feel good about yourself, too. And don't you want to feel good tomorrow, too? Of course you do! So, do it again tomorrow!

There is one word of warning here. When you get started on making your life better in whatever area you choose, and if you keep working on it every day, the whining and complaining of your friends, family and co-workers will really start to bug you. So start converting them to the "get started" philosophy, too, or you may have to find a happier crowd to hang out with.

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