Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #9

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: The act of forgiveness is a necessary and transformational process. But first, you must be willing to forgive any person or situation that has caused you pain, and release them.

By hanging on to old negative thoughts and emotions you are only harming yourself and attracting even more negative energy. It’s been said that when you are unwilling to forgive someone, it’s like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to get sick!

So, just bless the person or the situation and wish them well. Forgive them, let them go, and be willing to forgive yourself as well, if need be.

By acknowledging your positive past and releasing your negative past—you can make room for a beautiful future. True forgiveness is extremely cathartic—it will cleanse you and set you free.

It is an incredibly powerful process, one that will immediately shift you from a place of pain and anger to a higher vibrational frequency of love.

Nobody else can tell you how to feel. Only you can make that decision. If you find yourself feeling bad, then you need to look at what is creating the negative feelings—it’s not the external things, it’s you, and the judgments, beliefs, ideas, and thoughts you have about those external things.

So, the way you choose to perceive a situation will determine your emotional response, and you can deliberately choose to see anything and everything in a positive light.

You must make a conscious decision to choose happiness. Choose optimism. Choose to live in a place of constant gratitude and joy. Settle for nothing less than magnificence in your life. Your emotions fuel your energy, and your energy fuels your future.

ACTION: You’re going to love what I’m going to request of you right now because it’s about time you started to forgive yourself of something you feel guilty or ashamed of … something you’ve held on to for months or years.

You ready?

Okay, let me ask you candidly … if you can recall of anything from your recent past that you feel guilty or ashamed of doing, saying, or thinking, what would it be? I don’t want you to say it out loud, just think it, ok?

Now, this may sound amusingly simple but it can work if you give it a go so right now all I want you to do is just whisper to yourself 3 simple words, “I forgive myself.” Go ahead … whisper it out loud … “I forgive myself.”

Say it again and then again … and you may want to intensify your emotional level as you keep saying it by shutting your eyes and … smiling. Keep saying it, keep smiling and now aim your face up into the sky with your eyes still shut.

Now, if you’re like most people I know, it’ll be terribly difficult to still feel guilty or ashamed. Wouldn’t you agree? Imagine if you could forgive yourself this easily in the future. How much stress, worry or heartache would dissolve? If you’re like most people I know, the answer is “a lot.”

BENEFIT: The single most important benefit of self-forgiveness is it enhances your ability to forgive others who have angered or hurt you. By practicing self-forgiveness, you can start flexing your forgiveness muscle toward others.

With more ease and less effort, you’ll discover how simple it is to give up the criticisms, complaints and condemnations – toward others – these are the feelings and emotions that stunt mental, emotional and spiritual growth and prevent you from reaching the potential you’ve always deserved.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #9

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