Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #11

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Abundance is your natural state of being. Anything you wish for can flow effortlessly into your life if you understand, apply and “live into” the Law of Attraction.

We live in a world that seems to emphasize scarcity and lack, and yet the truth is, this is an abundant universe. There is no scarcity, there is no lack. There is more than enough food, money, joy, happiness, spiritual fulfillment, and love for everyone.

If you want to create an abundance of love in your life, then focus on love. Be the love you want to attract. Become more loving and generous with others and with yourself.

By creating the vibration of love, you will automatically draw more love into your life. Focus on whatever it is that you want to create more of in your life, and remember to be grateful for that which you already have.

Gratitude itself is a form of abundance, and the vibrational frequency of gratitude and appreciation will automatically attract even more to be grateful for.

If you want to create financial abundance in your life, then start by focusing on prosperity and money flowing into your life. Envision the checks coming in the mail. Write yourself a check for the sum of money you wish to manifest this year, and post it in a visible location.

Every time you see it, believe that it is possible. Make a donation to your favorite charity, and know that you can afford it. You must be willing to give in order to receive. Imagine just how amazing it will feel to have complete financial freedom.

Envision the various things you will do, the places you will go, and how it will change your life. Really let yourself feel it as though it were already so. Now, think of how you will use your financial prosperity to contribute and give back within your community.

Imagine how good it will feel to help others and to really make a difference in their lives. Remember to take a moment to be thankful for everything that you already have. By doing this, you are creating a vibrational match for the financial abundance that you want to attract into your future life.

The entire universe will support you abundantly in every way when you are moving with this kind of purpose and intention in the direction of your dreams. It will respond to the vibration of your passion and commitment.

So, start paying attention to the many synchronicities in your life and become aware of all the opportunities, ideas, people, and resources that you are attracting. Be open to them, and be willing to think outside the box. New opportunities will often present themselves in surprising ways. Do what you love to do, be passionate about it, and believe in yourself.

If you are willing to invest yourself wholeheartedly in your dreams, then all the necessary resources, including the money, will follow.

ACTION: Ask yourself how you can have more ABUNDANCE with your health. Can you take the stairs instead of an elevator when the opportunity presents itself? Can you drink a few more glasses of water, or perhaps take on a yoga practice?

BENEFIT: When you think and act more ABUNDANTLY about your physical health, you’ll find that other parts of your life automatically improve for the better. You’ll think more clearly, have more energy and do everything you normally do with a little more intensity.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #11

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #10

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Make a conscious decision right now to focus on the positive. The Law of Attraction doesn’t filter out the information we provide. It doesn’t decide what is better for us.

You have free will, and you decide where you want to focus our energy and our attention. The universe just reflects it back to us. If you focus your attention on something (either positively or negatively), it will simply respond with more of it. Doesn’t that make sense?

So, it’s really important to focus on what you do want, not on what you don’t want. State your desires in a positive way. Your mind works in pictures, so if you say “I don’t want to be mad,” you are creating the picture and the vibration of being “mad.”

The universe only receives the frequency of “mad” and responds to that. You must focus on the opposite of what you don’t want. In this case, it would be a better choice to say “I want to be more loving and accepting of the way things are.”

Stop sending mixed signals to the universe and those around you. They will hinder your ability to attract and manifest in a clear and powerful way.

When you claim to be “against” something, you are actually recreating it. You are creating more of the very thing that you want to eliminate! If you want to think “anti-war,” think again.

The operative word here is “war,” and that is exactly what you will get more of. A better choice is to be “pro-peace.” The universe will receive the vibration of “peace” and respond accordingly.

The war on terrorism has created more terrorism. Violence attracts violence, and love attracts more love. Make this simple change in your life.

Make a conscious effort to restructure the way you think and speak, and avoid giving any unnecessary energy to the things you don’t want in your life. Whenever possible, avoid subjecting yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions to the negative people and influences in your life.

ACTION: Think of one reoccurring NEGATIVE thought you have repeatedly each day. What is it? How did it come to be? Okay, when you have it in mind, think up what POSITIVE thought you could have to replace it.

Now I’m not asking you to actually replace that positive thought yet, just practice doing it in your mind as if you were going to do it for real. Just practice now and see how it works for you … how it feels. If it feels good enough, you might want to try a few times for real…

BENEFIT: There’s a profound benefit with the power of substitution, you can quickly and almost effortlessly replace your NEGATIVE thoughts with POSITIVE ones.

If you do this enough times, it may become a habit and maybe even a daily ritual so that pretty soon, you won’t have many NEGATIVE thoughts at all.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #10

Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #9

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: The act of forgiveness is a necessary and transformational process. But first, you must be willing to forgive any person or situation that has caused you pain, and release them.

By hanging on to old negative thoughts and emotions you are only harming yourself and attracting even more negative energy. It’s been said that when you are unwilling to forgive someone, it’s like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to get sick!

So, just bless the person or the situation and wish them well. Forgive them, let them go, and be willing to forgive yourself as well, if need be.

By acknowledging your positive past and releasing your negative past—you can make room for a beautiful future. True forgiveness is extremely cathartic—it will cleanse you and set you free.

It is an incredibly powerful process, one that will immediately shift you from a place of pain and anger to a higher vibrational frequency of love.

Nobody else can tell you how to feel. Only you can make that decision. If you find yourself feeling bad, then you need to look at what is creating the negative feelings—it’s not the external things, it’s you, and the judgments, beliefs, ideas, and thoughts you have about those external things.

So, the way you choose to perceive a situation will determine your emotional response, and you can deliberately choose to see anything and everything in a positive light.

You must make a conscious decision to choose happiness. Choose optimism. Choose to live in a place of constant gratitude and joy. Settle for nothing less than magnificence in your life. Your emotions fuel your energy, and your energy fuels your future.

ACTION: You’re going to love what I’m going to request of you right now because it’s about time you started to forgive yourself of something you feel guilty or ashamed of … something you’ve held on to for months or years.

You ready?

Okay, let me ask you candidly … if you can recall of anything from your recent past that you feel guilty or ashamed of doing, saying, or thinking, what would it be? I don’t want you to say it out loud, just think it, ok?

Now, this may sound amusingly simple but it can work if you give it a go so right now all I want you to do is just whisper to yourself 3 simple words, “I forgive myself.” Go ahead … whisper it out loud … “I forgive myself.”

Say it again and then again … and you may want to intensify your emotional level as you keep saying it by shutting your eyes and … smiling. Keep saying it, keep smiling and now aim your face up into the sky with your eyes still shut.

Now, if you’re like most people I know, it’ll be terribly difficult to still feel guilty or ashamed. Wouldn’t you agree? Imagine if you could forgive yourself this easily in the future. How much stress, worry or heartache would dissolve? If you’re like most people I know, the answer is “a lot.”

BENEFIT: The single most important benefit of self-forgiveness is it enhances your ability to forgive others who have angered or hurt you. By practicing self-forgiveness, you can start flexing your forgiveness muscle toward others.

With more ease and less effort, you’ll discover how simple it is to give up the criticisms, complaints and condemnations – toward others – these are the feelings and emotions that stunt mental, emotional and spiritual growth and prevent you from reaching the potential you’ve always deserved.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #9

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #8

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE:Negative emotions such as hatred, anger, jealousy, and fear create the opposite effect. They lower your vibrational frequency and make you feel anxious, tense, and constricted and they can create physical ailments and even disease.

Negative emotions invariably create a sense of separation, a feeling of disconnection. They are like a stone wall—a barrier to the joy that is who you really are. These emotions will effectively block the flow of positive energy into your life and will only serve to attract more negative energy.

So, if you have been holding onto feelings of anger, fear, resentment, or betrayal, now is the time to let them go. Release those old thoughts and patterns of behavior, and start living in the present.

By focusing on your pain or anger, you are only drawing even more negative and unhealthy circumstances into your life. You need to make room for the positive feelings and experiences that you want to attract.

Author Cherie Carter-Scott says, “Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.”

Positive emotions, on the other hand, have a much different impact on your life. You may notice that when you are feeling grateful, happy, or joyful there is a sense of lightness and expansion.

You feel connected. You feel alive!

My friend, this is your natural state of being.

This is what your life was intended to be. Strive to live in a state of joy, wonder, and gratitude. These expansive positive emotions feel good and raise your vibrational frequency.

In this place of love and joy, you are one with God, and you are a magnet for the beauty, joy and abundance that the Universe has to offer.

ACTION:Think of a specific incident within the past week that inspired you to feel more Joy. Got it yet?

Okay, please replay the scene or incident again in your mind right now like a movie? Don’t just watch yourself, but actually step into the movie you’re in it and not on the sidelines watching it. Are you able to do this now?

Okay, let me ask you a very important question … do you feel a little more joyful or happy now than you did 30 seconds ago? If your answer is yes, then I want you to consider playing this same movie anytime you find your emotions heading toward anger or sadness or hurt.

In a moment’s notice, you can summon this mental movie playing in your mind’s eye and you can instantly shift to more empower mental state.

BENEFIT: Your success and happiness is often linked to your ability be emotionally resourceful during times of trouble. Anger and sadness can be paralyzing. Happiness and joy are empowering.

So the next time you have an opportunity to be angry, choose Joy instead and see how that serves you; all you have to do is summon that mental movie I just asked you to remember and you’ll boost your attitude and outlook on the situation by simply choosing a more supportive emotion.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #8

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #7

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Your emotions are a critical component in the application of the Law of Attraction. They are your key that opens the door to the secret passageway to improving every aspect of your physical, mental and spiritual life.

Learn to listen to your emotions because they are an important internal feedback system that tells you of your body's visceral response to the vibrational state you are creating.

You are creating this vibrational frequency with whatever you are giving your attention to-the thoughts you are thinking, the beliefs you are contemplating, the television show you are watching, the music you are listening to, the book you are reading, with whatever activity you are engaged in.

Your feelings are part of your internal guidance system. When you are feeling joy and a sense of expansion, it simply means you are on course-the things you are focusing on, the thoughts you are thinking or creating, the ideas you are entertaining, and the activities you are engaged in are actively moving you in the direction of your purpose, dreams, and desires.

When you are feeling anger, sadness, depression, and hopelessness-any feelings that give you a sense of physical contraction-then you are thinking thoughts and attending to things that are not taking you toward your purpose, dreams, or desires.

This is feedback that is saying that you are off course. Your emotions are telling you that it's time to switch gears. They are telling you that it's time to think a more uplifting thought, change your focus, change the channel, change the topic of discussion, and go do something different that will shift your energy and bring you feelings of joy and expansion.

Since your vibrational state is what attracts the objects of your desire, it is imperative to keep your emotions as positive as possible. So it makes sense to strive to keep your emotions in the positive range-feelings like joy, love, happiness, exhilaration, satisfaction, relief, pride, appreciation, relaxation, and serenity.

Remember: "Like attracts like." So, by deliberately creating the positive emotional states that match the feelings we will have on the completion and fulfillment of our goals and desires, we are creating an energy field that will attract what we want.

The stronger and more intense your feelings are, the more accelerated the process of vibrational attraction becomes.

Researchers are discovering that what you are feeling is actually far more important than what you are thinking or saying. Your emotions never lie.

They are the true indicator of the thoughts you are having and whether or not you are acting in accordance with your personal truth, your heartfelt desires. Don't ignore them or try to reason your feelings away. First, just notice them.

If they are not in the positive range (hope, expectation, acceptance, appreciation, love, and joy), either release them or simply choose a better thought. This means choosing a thought that creates a better feeling, or simply changing what it is that you are doing, and doing something that you enjoy instead.

Go for a walk, put some music on, pet the cat, take charge and do something to shift you back into this positive range of emotions!

ACTION: Think of the last time you shed tears. Go ahead, think of it. Were they tears of joy or tears of sadness? What specific incident motivated and inspired those tears? Was it a person, place or thing? Was it a photograph or a song? Think of it and "live into" that situation now.

Now, if that experience elicited feelings of sadness, do you feel a hint of sadness now? Or if your experience was joyful, do you feel a hint of more joy or enthusiasm now?

BENEFIT: The key to changing any negative feeling is to simply remember specific experiences that have empowered you or made you feel joyful from the past. By doing so, you'll live into those positive feelings again … and this is especially useful when you have a bad day. The point is you're just one joyful memory away from transforming a good day into a GREAT day!

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #7

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #6

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Most of us are fairly aware of our conscious thoughts, but it is important to become aware of our subconscious thoughts as well. Our subconscious mind is pretty much running the show, and since most of us have a constant negative tape playing in our heads, we are continually sending out negative messages.

Practically anyone can learn how to reprogram their subconscious mind and transform negative internal thoughts into healthy, positive ones. It can be quite easy actually, and it all starts by looking closely at your beliefs and self-image.

It’s true; you can work on eliminating any limiting or negative ideas. This negative self-talk is like a type of static, or interference on a phone call. It will interfere with, distort, and even block the frequencies of your positive intentions. If not removed, it will reduce your ability to create and manifest the future you desire.

Take a moment and think about trying to drive a car with the parking brake on. No matter how much you try to accelerate, the parking brake will keep slowing you down, but as soon as you release it—you will automatically and effortlessly go faster.

Your limiting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are like a negative type of psychological parking brake. They will drag you down and slow you down unless you make a committed effort to let them go and replace them with more positive thoughts and beliefs.

You must be willing to release your negative mental programming and step out of your comfort zone in order to make room for a positive, healthy self-image and belief system.

This will shift your energy vibration and allow you to more easily and effectively attract the positive energy and experiences that you desire in your life.

Beliefs are just your habitual thoughts, and they can be changed through affirmations, positive self-talk, behavioral changes, and visualizations you make with the help of your Vision Book.

As Dr. Maxwell Maltz once said, “Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs.”

Now let’s take a moment to compare and contrast your conscious and subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the part of you that thinks and reasons—it’s the part of your mind that you use to make everyday decisions. Your free will is within your conscious mind so you can decide just what you want to create in your life. With this part of your mind you can accept or reject any idea.

Although your conscious mind is powerful, it is the more limited part of your mind. The scientifically validated data reveals that your conscious mind has limited processing capacity.

The conscious mind provides you with short term memory (just about 20 seconds). It gives you the ability to manage only 1 to 3 events at a time. Impulses travel at only 120 to 140 mph with an average processing speed of 2,000 bits of information per second.

Your subconscious mind is actually much more spectacular. It is frequently referred to as your spiritual or universal mind, and it knows no limits except for those that you consciously choose.

Your self-image and your habits live in your subconscious mind. It functions in every single cell of your body.

This is the part of your mind that is connected to your Higher Self at a much greater level than your conscious mind. It is your connection to God, your connection to Source and Universal Infinite Intelligence.

Your subconscious mind has a far greater processing capacity than your conscious mind. Long term memory of past experiences, your attitudes, you values, and beliefs all reside in your subconscious mind.

In fact, it has the awesome ability to manage thousands of events at a time with impulses that travel at over 100,000 mph and the ability to process an average of 4,000,000,000 bits of information per second!

Remarkable, isn't it?

That's why I encourage you to make it your goal to “live into” the vast power of our subconscious mind in order to use it to our advantage. We must create room in each day to “check in” with our subconscious spiritual mind. Daily time spent quietly without any external distractions will strengthen our connection to who we really are.

You can connect with our subconscious mind through the utilization of affirmations, prayer, contemplation and meditation, gratitude and visualization through the help of your Vision Book.

Your subconscious mind can take us where you want to go and help you reach more of your goals faster, better and with less conscious effort!

By at last connecting utilizing the amazing speed, power, and agility of your subconscious minds, you can begin to use the Law of Attraction in a more intentional way to more effectively attract and create the results you desire!

ACTION: Think of the last time you tied your shoe. Can you remember when it was? Did you tie your right shoe or left shoe first?

The reason I’m asking you this question is because if you’re like most people who were lace-up shoes, the process of tying shoes is handled by your subconscious mind … you unconsciously competent at it, right?

Now let’s think about what else are you unconsciously competent at? How about talking, reading, driving a stick shift or any other skill you’ve learned and eventually mastered over the years.

What’s interesting is that before you can become unconsciously competent at any new skill, you must first be consciously incompetent … as for tying shoes … that would have been around age 5 or 6.

As a young child, you were incompetent at a lot of things such as tying shoes, walking, reading even speaking … but you didn’t give up, did you?

Of course not!

You’re not still crawling because you gave up, right? I want you to treat any new skill as an adult in the same way. Rather than giving up, or worse, being fearful of ever trying … I want you to keep practicing until you get it right and it becomes unconsciously competent … just like tying your shoes.

BENEFIT: Practice doesn’t make perfect … practice makes permanent and if you choose progress over perfection, you’ll learn more skills, faster, better and with less stress and worry.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #6

Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #5

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: My simple, yet often misunderstood message to you in this lesson can be summed-up in these 3 words: "Thoughts are things."

Your thoughts are not just wispy little clouds drifting through your head. Your thoughts are things. They are actually measure-able units of energy.

Thoughts are biochemical electrical impulses. They are waves of energy that, as far as we can tell, penetrate all time and space.

Look, every single thought you have is a statement of your desires to the universe. Every single thought you have generates a physiological change in your body. You are a product of all of the thoughts you have thought, feelings you have felt, and actions you have taken up until now.

And . . . the thoughts you think today, feelings you feel today, and actions you take today will determine your experiences tomorrow. So it is imperative that you learn to think and behave in a positive way that is in alignment with what you ultimately want to be, do, and experience in life.

Thoughts affect your body. Albert Einstein noted that thoughts influence the body more than we may give them credit for.

And because our thoughts affect our body it is so important to think as positively as possible. Negative thoughts are toxic, and they affect your body in a negative way.

Negative thoughts actually weaken you … physically! Negative thoughts can make you perspire, create muscular tension, and even create a more acidic environment within your body.

They can increase the likelihood of cancer (cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment) and other disease. They also send out a negative energy vibration and attract more experiences of the same vibration.

Positive thoughts, on the other hand, will affect your body in a positive way. They will make you feel more relaxed, more centered and alert. They stimulate the release of endorphins in your brain, reducing pain and increasing pleasure.

In addition to this, positive, affirmative thoughts send out a positive energy vibration that will attract more positive experiences back into your life and to those you interact with.

Whenever you face the choice to have a positive or negative thought about a specific experience you've had in your past, consider the advice of my good friend Reverend Michael Beckwith who says, "One affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought."

ACTION: Okay, now I want you t0 think of one reoccurring NEGATIVE thought you have repeatedly each day. What is it? How did it come to be?

When you have it in mind, think up what POSITIVE thought you could have to replace it. I know it may not be so easy at first, but give it a try because I'm going to ask you to do this little experiment again in about 4 or 5 lessons from now ;-)

Now I'm not asking you to actually replace that positive thought yet, just practice doing it in your mind as if you were going to do it for real : Practice now and see how it works for you … how it feels. If it feels good enough, you might want to try a few times for real…

BENEFIT: There's a profound benefit with the power of substitution, you can quickly and almost effortlessly replace your NEGATIVE thoughts with POSITIVE ones.

If you do this enough times, it may become a habit and maybe even a daily ritual so that pretty soon, you won't have many NEGATIVE thoughts at all.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #5

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #4

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Right now, I want you to think of yourself as a magnet. You are a living magnet. You literally attract the things, people, ideas, and circumstances to you that vibrate and resonate at the same energy frequency as yours.

And it gets better because your energy field changes constantly, based on your thoughts and feelings, and the universe acts like a mirror, sending back a reflection of the energy that you are projecting.

The stronger and more intense your thoughts and emotions are, the greater the magnetic pull becomes. Now, this is not a process that requires any real effort; a magnet doesn't "try" to attract anything-it simply does, and so do you! You are always in the process of attracting something into your life.

Do you realize that your life at this very moment is the result of everything that you have ever thought, done, believed, or felt up until now? You can start right now to consciously and deliberately attract whatever you desire in this lifetime.

Buddha once said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." You are really that powerful!

My friend, you are far more powerful than you realize because whether you want to believe it or not, you really are creating everything in your life. And once you fully acknowledge this, and take responsibility for it, you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Above all, you are truly the author of your own life, and you can choose to take it in any direction you wish. You have the ability to change your life.
You have the ability to create your desired future. And most importantly, you have always had unlimited potential!

If you ever doubt that you hold this power in your mind and in your heart, just remember these words of Ralph Waldo Emerson … he said, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."

ACTION: I want you to think of one situation at work, at home or with a friend when you felt unstoppably decisive. What was it about that decision that made you feel powerful? What would happen if you were that decisive in every part of your life?

BENEFIT: When you're decisive, you "cut-0ff" opportunities that don't support you. The word "decisive" literally means to "cut off." And it is my wish for you that you "cut-off" possibilities that don't support you. Your true power comes from your decision making ability, so the more decisive you become the more you'll attract what you want.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #4

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #3

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: Listen to this: You are all made up of the same stuff as the sun, the moon, and the stars. You are a walking, talking bundle of intelligent energy in the form of a human body.

You are made up of cells, which are made up of atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles. What are subatomic particles? ENERGY!

Everything is energy. All matter is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is the cause and effect of itself. It is evenly present in all places, at all times. Energy is in constant motion and never rests. It is forever moving from one form to another.

As Deepak Chopra says, "There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

So you are connected. You are connected to everything and to the rest of us. You are a completely unique piece of a much greater whole, an integral part of the cosmos. You are a ball of energy in a much larger energy field.

Think of the Internet. You can't see it or touch it but you know that it is there. It is real. It is an invisible energy connection that links us all to each other. You are connected to everyone and everything in the same way.

Have you ever found that with people you are close to, you can sometimes finish a sentence for them, or that you both say the same thing at exactly the same time? This is not coincidence, it's a connection! This is a perfect example of how connected we really are to those around us.

We've all had the experience of starting to think about someone, perhaps someone we haven't even seen or spoken to in years, and then several minutes later the phone rings, and it is them on the other end of the line. "I was just thinking about you," we exclaim in wonder.

We were actually picking up on their intention to call us before they had even acted upon it. Our thoughts travel through time and space at an amazing speed.

Through your connection you were able to pick up on the energy of their thoughts and intentions before they even dialed the number, or perhaps it was your thinking about them that stimulated them to call you.

ACTION: Think of one person who makes you laugh the moment you spend time with him or her. Is it a friend, is it a colleague, is it a loved-one? There are some people in our lives that just make us smile … right now, think of who that person is, ok? What do you both have in common? What is it about him or her that makes you smile, or just feel good.

BENEFIT: When you know who your "feel good" people are, you are one phone call away from experiencing feelings of joy. Those whom we feel most connected to are often the ones who empower us to feel happier.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #3

Friday, May 22, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #2

Author: Jack Canfield

MESSAGE: If you are feeling excited, enthusiastic, passionate, happy, joyful, appreciative, or abundant, then you are sending out positive energy. On the other hand, if you are feeling bored, anxious, stressed out, angry, resentful, or sad, you are sending out negative energy.

The universe, through the Law of Attraction, will respond enthusiastically to both of these vibrations. It doesn’t decide which one is better for you, it just responds to whatever energy you are creating, and it gives you more of the same. You get back exactly what you put out there.

Whatever you are thinking and feeling at any given time is basically your request to the universe for more of the same. This is because your energy vibrations will attract energy back to you of the same frequencies, you need to make sure that you are continually sending out energy, thoughts, and feelings that resonate with what you want to become, do, and experience.

Your energy frequencies need to be in tune with what you want to attract in your life. If love and joy are what you want to attract, then the vibrational frequencies of love and joy are what you want to create.

You can learn to manage your thoughts and emotions and maintain a vibrational match for what you want to attract by learning to respond instead of just reacting to the situations in your life. Most of us go through life just reacting automatically and unconsciously to the things and events that take place around us.

Perhaps you’re having a rough day, you’ve gotten a flat tire, or maybe someone has treated you unfairly. Say that you react in a negative way to these situations with your thoughts and your emotions. And you become angry, frustrated, or upset.

In this case, you are unconsciously reacting to the situation instead of consciously responding to it, and your negatively charged thoughts and emotions are automatically placing an order with the universe for more of the same negative experiences. In order to create a more positive outcome, you must learn to consciously respond in a different, more positive way.

The good news is that once you understand the Law of Attraction, and how it works, you can begin to consciously and intentionally create a better life. You can choose to respond differently to the situations that arise during your day.

You can choose to think differently. You can choose to focus and think about the things you want more of in your life. You can choose to experience more of the things that make you feel good.

You can choose to deliberately participate in the creation of your future by managing your thoughts and feelings. And remember what Robert Kiyosaki says, “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”

ACTION: In the previous lesson, I requested that you think of one more “vision” word that best describes you and write it down on a piece scrap of paper, remember? Right now, I want you to think of another “vision” word. This time it’s a word you hear your closest friends, loved-one or family utilize when complimenting you. It could be: “Resourceful” or “Happy” or “Brilliant” or “Dazzling.”

Whatever it is, write it down and read it out loud each hour throughout the rest of the day. You embody this word, so make sure you read out loud at least 3 to 5 times today …

BENEFIT: As you read your “vision” word you out loud, you’ll begin to automatically “live into” it … and you’ll find yourself attracting more people, projects and possessions that support you faster, better and easier.

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #2

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #1

Author: Jack Canfield

Dr. Robert Schuller once said, “You are what you think about all day long,” which is one reason why understanding the law of attraction is the key to creating the life of your dreams.

MESSAGE: You probably understand that the Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on.

So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically attract more good and positive things into your life. If you are focused upon lack and negativity, then that is what will be attracted into your life.

You are always in a state of creation. You always have been. You are creating your reality in every moment of every day. You are creating your future with every single thought: either consciously or subconsciously.

You can’t take a break from it and decide not to create because creation never stops. The Law of Attraction never stops working. This is why it is so important to listen to this whenever you can – even if you don’t think you are listening your subconscious is always listening!

So, understanding just how this law operates is a fundamental key to your success. If you want to change your life, and empower yourself to create an amazing future, then you need to understand your role in the Law of Attraction.

ACTION: “Think of one “vision” word that best describes you and write it down on a small piece of paper you keep in your pocket or purse all day long … it could be a word like: “Magnificent” or “Caring” or “Joyful”…

I want it to be a positive word that best describes you … whatever it is, write it down and read it each hour throughout the rest of the day.

BENEFIT: As you read your “vision” word you out loud, you’ll find yourself automatically “living into” it … and you’ll find yourself attracting more people, projects and even possessions that vibrate with your word.

Jack Canfield’s Dream Big System and get a free, 72-minute instant audio bonus:

About the Author:

This year, after two years of research and work, Jack Canfield released a phenomenal new product to the world – it’s called the Dream Big System. A longtime success and self-esteem coach for people around the world, Jack Canfield is also renowned for his role as Co-Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul (the most successful publishing empire in history) and Master Teacher in the blockbuster movie, The Secret.

Article Source: - Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson #1

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Success of Any Day Begins...

In order to build a successful life, you must have a series of successful days. There is a secret to having a successful day that most people don't know. The secret is knowing when a successful day begins. It isn't at 6 a.m. Nor is it at 5 a.m. or even 4 a.m. The success of any given day begins the night before!

The truth of this statement is illustrated in the following true story:

Around 100 years ago, Charles Schwab, president of Bethlehem Steel, wanted to increase his own efficiency, and of the management team at the steel company. Ivy Lee, a well-known efficiency expert of the time, approached Mr. Schwab, and made a proposition Charles Schwab could not refuse:

Ivy Lee: "I can increase your people's efficiency – and your sales – if you will allow me to spend fifteen minutes with each of your executives."

Charles Schwab: "How much will it cost me?"

Ivy Lee: "Nothing, unless it works. After three months, you can send me a check for whatever you feel it's worth to you."

Charles Schwab: "It's a deal."

The following day, Ivy Lee met with Charles Schwab's management executives, spending only ten minutes with each in order to tell them:

Ivy Lee: "I want you to promise me that for the next ninety days, before leaving your office at the end of the day, you will make a list of the six most important things you have to do the next day and number them in their order of importance."

Astonished Executives: "That it?"

Ivy Lee: "That's it. Scratch off each item after finishing it, and go on to the next one on your list. If something doesn't get done, put it on the following day's list."

Mary Kay Ash writes in her book (Mary Kay: You Can Have It All : Lifetime Wisdom from America's Foremost Woman Entrepreneur):

"Each Bethlehem executive consented to follow Lee's instructions. Three months later, Schwab studied the results and was so pleased that he sent Lee a check for US$35,000. At the time, the average worker in the US was being paid $2 per day.

If Schwab, one of the smartest businessmen of his day, was willing to pay so much money for this advice, I decided I would follow it, too.

Each night, I put together my list for the following day. If I don't get something on my list accomplished, it goes on the next day's list. I put the hardest or most unappealing task at the top of the list. This way, I tackle the most difficult item first, and once it's out of the way, I feel my day is off to a good start."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

An Exciting Journey

People who are rich in every sense of the word understand that life is a learning experience. It never stops. Learn to constantly refine your habits. There’s always another level to reach for, no matter how good you are right now. When you constantly strive to improve, you build character. You become more as a person, and you have more to offer. It’s an exciting journey that ultimately leads to fulfillment and prosperity.

Excerpt from The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt

If there is one thing that has really been brought to my attention, it is that the majority of the people I meet live in the land of Good Enough. The job they currently have is good enough to pay the bills. Their weight is good enough that they don't need to exercise regularly. Their level of commitment to living their spiritual beliefs is good enough for now.

The truth is, although they may not admit it, is that they secretly long for something better; something more fulfilling; something more rewarding and worthwhile. They look at the Michael Jordans and the Oprah Winfreys and the other superstars in life and they think "Wouldn't that be nice." No. It wouldn't be nice. It would be AWESOME!!!

You have to understand, though, that the people who live the life that you can only dream about right now are those who have evicted themselves from the land of Good Enough. You can't be the best until you do.

Good, Better, Best!

Never let it rest

Until your Good is Better

And your Better is Best!

You can have the life you dream about if you apply the simple principle of making your good better and your better your best. Someone very close to me just recently did that and is reaping huge rewards from it.

My wife just submitted for Director in Qualification (D.I.Q.) in Mary Kay last month along with 844 other women across the U.S. She has four months to officially qualify as a Director by having 30 active consultants on her team and $16,000 or more in production. In her first month of D.I.Q., she added 11 women to her team and had just over $13,000 in production. Because of this, she placed 7th in the nation out of the 845! The only women who placed higher than her were two who achieved Directorship in their first month and the rest edged her by $200 or less in production.

Do you think she is living in Good Enough any longer? Not a chance!

Way to go, babe!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The White Glove Test of Success

I learned a little nugget of wisdom from one of the wise guys that direct the company I currently work for shortly after I was hired on that I have found has great application in every aspect of my life. We were discussing how we can improve our operations when he made the point that "we can only expect that which we inspect." He was basically saying that by implementing a system and method of monitoring and evaluating performance and giving feedback on what you observe, the performance of the job will improve.

This is the very same reason that athletes and coaches will review recordings of the games they have already played. They are looking at how they or their players acted and reacted in different situations. By identifying their strengths and their weaknesses, they can build on their strengths and improve the areas where they are weak until it, too, is strong.

I have used this same strategy to improve certain areas in my personal life. I created a Personal Accountability Spreadsheet where I have listed a number of daily, weekly and monthly actions that I would like to take on a regular basis. This spreadsheet tracks personal goals such as how often I exercise, pray, read inspirational and motivational materials, plan my days, etc. It also tracks family goals such as reading scriptures and praying together, keeping each other informed of our scheduled activities and spending time together. For my financial goals I track how well I maintain our newly established bill payment system and how often I balance our accounts. I am also tracking how often I engage in fulfilling hobbies such as practicing the piano, writing for recreation and my blogs or practicing my artistic skills.

By doing this I have been able to identify where I am doing well and where I am weak. This includes what times of the day I am most productive, what activities and situations distract me from making progress and what support systems I need to put into place.

All of this enables me to expect better performance on my personal goals because I am inspecting the performance of the daily tasks that will bring me the results I want.

What areas of your life would you like to expect better results in?

Would you like to lose more weight? Inspect the frequency and intensity of your exercise as well as your food choices you make. What situations drive you to make poor eating choices and to skip workouts? Put plans into place to improve these and inspect on a regular basis and you can expect to lose more weight.

Would you like to have more time to work on your goals or to spend in more enjoyable pursuits? Inspect where you are currently spending your time during the week. Identify the people and/or situations that are wasting your time and minimize or eliminate these. Set goals to steadily free up more and more of your time and inspect your progress on a regular basis and you can expect to have more time to do the things you want to do.

I could go on and on, but I am sure you have at least some idea of how important this concept is by now. Setting goals are essential to your success and taking action on them is crucial. But not checking your progress is like taking off in a plane headed from California to Hawaii and never checking to see if you are on course - you could very well run out of gas before you ever see land again!

So, whatever your expectations you have of life, you better start inspecting the daily steps that will bring them to you and make small corrections to make sure you are on target!