Monday, October 19, 2009

Expanding the Boundaries of Your Life

"The 'self-image' sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment. It defines what you can and cannot do. Expand the self-image and you expand the 'area of the possible'."
~Dr Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics

You will never be more successful than how you see yourself being. If you see yourself as fat, you will struggle to lose weight. If you see yourself as shy, you will struggle in your interactions with others. If you see yourself as poor, you will struggle financially. If you see yourself as a harried individual living a highly stressful life, that will be your experience day in and day out.

Don't believe me? Take a look at the areas of your life where you struggle. How do you see yourself in those areas? Then compare that to the areas of your life where you are more successful and how you see yourself in those areas. Do you see a difference? I am willing to bet that you don't have a negative view of yourself in those areas that you consistently do well in.

Now, some of you may argue that you see yourself more positively in those areas because you have done well. I propose that you have done well because you saw yourself more positively in those areas. If you don't believe me, give it the following 90 day test:

  • Take an area of your life that you struggle and evaluate how you see yourself in this area.

  • Create a better image for yourself in that area. The best way of doing this is to look at someone who is already successful in that area and transfer their characteristics to your self-image. (After all, if they did it, so can you!)

  • Every morning when you get up and every night when you go to bed, visualize and see yourself as being successful in that area. Really experience the emotion and gratitude of being the success you've always dreamed of. Do this every morning and every night for 90 days!

  • Then throughout the day, walk the walk and talk the talk of the success you are becoming!

Compare your life at the end of the 90 days to how it was when it started. I guarantee it will be vastly better!

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