Thursday, March 11, 2010

Choose Your Own Adventure

When I was growing up, I used to love reading the Choose Your Own Adventure books. You remember those, don't you? It was the books where you were the hero of the story and every few pages you were presented with a choice. If you chose to enter the mine shaft, you were directed to turn to page 66. If you chose not to enter the mine, but continued to climb up the side of the mountain, you were directed to turn to page 43. And you would have a different adventure based on the choice that you made.

I think what I liked most about those books is that, if I didn't like the ending I chose, I could back up and choose a different one.

Everybody, every day, is living the adventure they have chosen. Some have chosen to be broke while others have chosen to be rich. Some have chosen to be overweight while others have chosen to be thin. Some have chosen to be stressed while others have chosen to be relaxed. Some have chosen to fail while others have chosen to succeed.

The conditions that we are experiencing every single day are a direct result of the choices we have made!

We can blame Obama, blame the bank, blame our spouse, blame the economy, blame the car, blame the kids, blame the dog until we are blue in the face but nothing will change until we decide to change it.

So, if you don't like the results you are getting ... back up, look at the choices you have made that brought you to where you are, and make a better choice.

You can


Featured on the Official Choose Your Own Adventure website under Notable Blog Posts.

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