Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New

As 2009 is drawing to a close, it's time to look back on what we've accomplished this year and what we still wish to do. Personally, my dreams were far grander than what I actually was able to get done. However, some of that was a conscious choice to set aside my personal goals and dedicate my time, talents and energy to supporting my wife as she accomplished some incredible goals this year that have blessed our family in a huge way. I don't regret that one bit because she experienced some major breakthroughs this year in her business and her personal life and the person she desires to be is coming more and more into focus every day.

With 2010 just days away, I am gearing up to make some major changes to my life this year as well. I believe that this year will be the year where I will be able to accomplish some dreams that I have had sitting on the shelf waiting for some time for me to pick them up, dust them off and put them into play. I hope you, too, are ready to change your life in the coming year as well and are just as excited for your own future as I am for mine.

In an effort to assemble a community of dreamers that really want to accomplish something that will be significant to them in the new year, I have issued The 10 for 2010 Challenge. Click here to get more details on how I plan to accomplish 10 significant goals in the coming year that will change and improve my life. I hope that you, too, will take up the challenge and be a participant in our community of dream achievers where your successes will become a resource for people that want to get where you are going as well.

Visit the 10 for 2010 Challenge blog today!

1 comment:

Avatar said...

You created an amazing and unique blog to achieve goals for the new year. Wish you all the best. Happy new year!