Friday, January 18, 2008

When Is It Good Enough?

Do you suffer from the same problem of "perfectionitis"? You just can't let other people see your work until it is perfect. And you suffer for days trying to make it perfect right up until the deadline leaving you stressed and exhausted and feeling like it still isn't perfect enough. Let me share with you a key to overcoming "perfectionitis".

A mentor of mine by the name of Mike Litman compiled a book called Conversations With Millionaires based on his radio interviews with wealthy and successful people that included:

  • Tony Robbins Millionaire Mentor, Jim Rohn
  • #1 Authors of One Minute Millionaire: Robert Allen & Mark Victor Hansen!
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad co-Author, Sharon Lechter
  • Jack Canfield, co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
  • Michael Gerber, Author of The E-myth
  • The Genius behind 1-800-FLOWERS, Jim McCann
  • Guerilla Marketing Author, Jay Conrad Levinson
  • Even Chocolate Chip Cookie Guru, Wally 'Famous' Amos!
These are people who told him the secrets of their rise from obscurity and financial devastation to fame and fortune. You would think that a lot of care would go into preparing this book for release to the public. But Mike released the book before it had even been proofread! Why would he do that? Why would he put something out there that even he admits he would be embarrassed to have associated with his name now?

The reason why is because of a little piece of advice he received from a mentor of his. The advice he received was:

"You don't have to get it right. You just have to get it going."
~ Joe Shroeder

Mike no longer tries to get his projects and ideas to "A+" quality and presentation before he shares them with others. When they are a "C", he gets them out there, then listens to the feedback of what other people think would make it better, and then makes the changes. Have you heard of the terms "beta-testing", "updates" and "version x.x" in the computer software industry? These are real-life examples of this principle.

So what are you trying to perfect in your life right now that is causing you to procrastinate getting it out there? It doesn't have to be great. Just get it to good and then ask people around you how you could make it better. I did that when I started The Millionaire Marathon and you can do it to!

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